@Camiloelerizo ...Ah. Now I understand what you're asking. For becoming an 'approved artist' (o 'artista aprobado', como dices tú), you must get 'scouted' by another artist. Here you have more info about 'what is getting scouted': [https://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/help-information/content-submission/scouting]. And also, allow me to share you the link of a post that contains more info about the topic: [https://ornery.newgrounds.com/news/post/388624]. I hope that this response results you useful. Have a nice day. o7
I don't know what are you exactly referring to. Are you asking about how to get 'frontpaged' or smth like that?
No, cuando vas a ver los últimos dibujos actuales te sale 2 opciones, "artista aprobado" y "artista no descubierto' ,
Bueno, aparezco en"artista no descubierto' y tengo la curiosidad de como hacen la gente para que su dibujos aparezcan en "artistas aprobado "